A warm welcome back to Sarah Beamish
A warm welcome back to Sarah Beamish who is back on the Ablyss team.
Some of our older customers may remember Sarah who was our Sales and Training Manager until 2016.
After a 6 year hiatus to start a family, Sarah is re-joining us as our new Sales and Marketing Consultant.
Asked about her thoughts on returning to Ablyss, Sarah said, “After 6 years at home with children I’m looking forward to drinking a hot cup of coffee! Joking aside, I am so excited to be back and to get out there and meet some of the older customers I remember, and the new ones I’m yet to get to know. There really is no-one quite like the people in care, and I’m so happy to be amongst them again.”
I’m sure you’ll all get to meet Sarah soon.
Article by Sally White
Ablyss Co Founder