Meeting the CQC's 5 key lines of enquiry - CARING
We are continuing our series of articles considering how Ablyss CMS, and other computerised care management systems, can help you to meet criteria under the Care Quality Commission’s Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE):
- SAFE: You are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
- EFFECTIVE: Your care, treatment, and support achieves good outcomes, helps you to maintain quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.
- CARING: Staff involve and treat you with compassion, kindness, dignity, and respect.
- RESPONSIVE: Services are organised so that they meet your needs.
- WELL-LED: The leadership, management, and governance of the organisation make sure it’s providing high-quality care that’s based around your individual needs, that it encourages learning and innovation, and that it promotes an open and fair culture.
This month we are considering ‘CARING’, examining how you can use Ablyss CMS care home software to meet this criteria when it comes to recording and evidencing the care that you provide.
What makes us different?
Caring overview:
- Access to person centred care plans and detailed assessments allows carers on the floor to be more aware of their residents’ care needs.
- Emotion Mapping helps your staff to be aware of your residents’ emotional wellbeing, allowing care to be delivered accordingly, with understanding and compassion.
- Care staff are notified when care plans are changed to enable them to provide safe and effective care at all times.
- Shift handover enables effective care to be delivered with a holistic view of everyday changes.
Care delivery, reporting & monitoring
How Ablyss care home software could help you to better understand your service users and assist in treating them with kindness, respect, dignity, and empathy:
- Daily care notes can be flagged to highlight when a resident may need additional support and care.
- Person centred care plans mean that care can be delivered with respect, kindness, and compassion.
- Emotion mapping can be utilised to identify trends in a resident’s emotional needs.
- Access to care plans, “About Me”, and all historical records mean staff can understand and respect the individual they are caring for and supporting.
- Colour coded status flags make it easy for existing and new staff to identify a resident’s basic care needs.
All about the individual
How CMS can help you comply with regards to person centred care:
- Document person centred care through visual prompts, creating individualised care notes, reflecting kindness, respect, and compassion.
- Identify people’s needs early by using personalised notes and priority levels, and emotional mapping.
- Restrict access to any system information, for both staff and residents, to ensure privacy and dignity are always at the forefront.
- Record all interactions with staff, residents, and family members to show that their opinions are considered, acted upon, and followed up.
For further information on how Ablyss CMS can help you to meet CARING criteria under the CQC’s KLOE, or if you would like to book your free 30 day trial or demo, please call 01625 535685 or email us at
Article by Sally White
Ablyss Co Founder