New developments for 2022
Team Ablyss are excited about the challenges ahead. Let us tell you what we have planned for 2022:
Facilities Management Module on CMS App
In February we will be releasing the Facilities Management module on the CMS App. Keep an eye on your inbox for the release notes, giving you all you need to know to get under way.
Facilities Management Module on the CMS App.
Please read our user guide to setting up and managing the Facilities module on the CMS App for further information, or contact our support team, should you need help updating.
Shift Handover Dashboard
This spring you will see a new addition to the Shift Handover Screen. Our busy beavers in development have been working hard on a new dashboard, a summary screen where you can get a snapshot of the performance of essential data, such as repositioning, fluids, and new incidents.
You will be able to see missed episodes in real live time for the whole home and take appropriate action immediately. We will be bringing you a more detailed outline of the dashboard next month.
Cloud Development
Spring also brings the first phase roll out of our long anticipated CLOUD version. We have a handful of homes ready and waiting to start piloting this brand new system, with a view for it being available for general release in summer 2022.
We held a workshop for our new cloud product in December, from which we have gained some very positive feedback. Unfortunately some people were unable to make the event, so we will be holding another workshop on Thursday 17th February.
If you would like to see how we are developing the new system, and would like the opportunity to give your input, then we would love for you to join us for an online presentation. Please contact Sally by email at, if you would like to register your interest.
We’re not going to be giving out too many spoilers at this point, but I’m sure we will be teasing you with further snippets of information, and perhaps even a screenshot, over the next few months via our social media. So, if you’ve not already done so, make sure you’re following us on Facebook and connected with us on LinkedIn for some sneak previews!
Article by Sally White
Ablyss Co Founder